Monday 9 April 2012

News - Cherished statue damaged in attempted metal theft (Eakring)

The bronze ‘Oil Patch Warrior’ statue at Duke’s Wood Nature Reserve in Nottinghamshire has been damaged in an attempted metal theft. 

The statue commemorates the contribution of American oilmen to establishing the UK’s first onshore oilfield during the Second World War. 

It's 10 feet tall and is visited regularly by families of the American oilmen.

The Nature Reserve say they fear it will be targeted again and are considering removing it from the site.
"We are so worried about it being targeted again we are having to remove it from the site and it may never return due to security fears.– Nottinghamshire Wildlife Trust
The plaque, which lists the names of the oilmen, was damaged a few years ago and had to be replaced with a non-metal version.

Local Wildlife Trust volunteers have been arranging round-the-clock security since they discovered the problem on Saturday.


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